Something special happened over fall break. We welcomed in the newest member of our family, Reba Sparkles. Like our Rosie Freckles, Reba is a Cockalier. She is 50% Cocker Spaniel and 50% King Charles Cavalier Spaniel. She is now eight-weeks old and this Tuesday we were allowed to bring her home. Reba was the runt of the litter, but we fell in love with her just by her pictures. She is a small but sassy thing. Her official color is “ruby” but she has the cutest white tuffet of hair on her chest. She has beautifully soft red hair and the longest red eyelashes you have ever seen. Armed with puppy teeth, she is a fun little chewer who has fit in perfectly with our family.

Rosie was tentative at first and was like, who is this? But when feeling her zoomies, Rosie likes to play with Reba. She hasn’t started cuddling yet with her, but we don’t think it will take long for her to assimilate. Reba would already love to snuggle Rosie, but Rosie is warming up. Reba is definitely daddy’s puppy. She already loves to snuggle in dad’s arms and sleep in various positions, whether curled up, on her back, or tucked in next to the ear. Her super power is sweet cuddles. We will be providing more updates in the future, but for now, we hope you will welcome with open arms to our site, Reba Freckles!


Categories: Informational